Friday, April 9, 2021

Sunshine and Wine, Part 3

I wanted to get some ice cream or candy before leaving. Casa de Sweets is where to go for those things.

They have a lot of novelty candy, plus chocolate covered fruits and nuts, and saltwater taffy.

They make and package a lot of candy on site.

This horse is where you will find piles of the taffy.

After eating ice cream and picking up some candy, I wanted to stop in the fruit stand before leaving.

They are very near Gilroy which is most famous for garlic.

Yum, it is a week's supply of garlic!

So many fun photo opps on the property.

The big fountain that sits at the main entrance. I would love to play in it!

 This was a great, restful day. Good food, good wine, fresh air, and sunshine. All things needed for your health.

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