Thursday, April 22, 2021

Jelly Beans!

Happy National Jelly Bean Day!

Jelly beans became popular during the Civil War, and they’re still enjoyed today. 

Bach’s and Jelly Belly are the top selling brands of these candies. 
This bag of tiny beans are just like the popular Jelly Belly brand, with many similar flavors. And when I opened the bag, I was hit with a string cloud of buttered popcorn. Why that’s the number one selling flavor, I’ll never know. 

The bag has a legend that tells which color is which flavor. 

I like the red ones and the citrus fruits. Cherry, orange, pineapple, and strawberry are the ones I like. I’m just glad there aren’t any in this bag that taste like toothpaste, earwax, or pencil shavings. 🤢

 Grab a handful of your favorite flavors and enjoy the sweetness. 

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