Saturday, December 28, 2019

Great America's Winterfest, Part Five

 This was one of my favorite sites: an enormous teddy bear. I could bring it home, but my car isn't big enough. I don't know how I would move something this big.

 I do love all the bear things.

 There were these great big ornaments that we could sit in. Very fun!

 And cute elves were there, too.

 We sat with one, they were all very nice.

 We passed by another shop and this bear caught my eye. So many bears and I want to bring all of them home.

 We found these polar bears. Yet another thing I would like to bring home. I would sit in there with piles of blankets while watching my shows.

 Next I went through London Town which is where the Dickens characters are.

 Scrooge and Marley's counting house.

 And here is Fezziwig's.

This very nice helper offered to pose with us for a photo. He was very friendly, answering questions for visitors and making people feel welcome.

 These are snowmen playing in a band. I just hope they don't get too close to the firepits where people can sit to warm up.

There really are millions of lights here. It is wonderful.

To be continued...

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