Saturday, December 30, 2023

Winter Fest Part Seven

 They really know how to make the park look festive and cheerful.

This tree is much bigger than the photo makes it look.

I took a dinner break for a quinoa bean burger and fries. Plus a cold, bubbly, icy Diet Coke. It feels so good in my fuzzy tummy.

I had to swing back to Reindeer Roundup. It's a fun place to hear the reindeer sing, and be entertained by their handler.

Krispie was a very entertaining host!

I of course had to stop in the candy store. They had a tree full of candy!

They had a lot of places to take selfies. They also had a lot of standees with the face holes, but they were for couples or families. Next time I have Mr Duffy with me, we will take pics in them for sure.

This reminds me of the vintage Christmas cards I have seen in old books.

I almost thought this was made of Easter eggs! But it's ornaments.

This year's Winter Fest was a lot of fun. They filled the park with so many lights and had a lot of booths with festive food and treats, and there was good entertainment. I hope to return next year!

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