Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Moonstone Beach

 After a brief rest in the hotel room, I felt like a walk on the beach. The hotel was right on Moonstone Beach, with a boardwalk connecting the hotel to the parking lot.

This is just outside the front of the hotel property.

To get to the sand requires a hike down a set of stairs, so I stayed up on the cemented area and just looked down at the water.

There were a lot of animals to be seen on the walk, including chipmunks, birds, squirrels, and lizards.

I bet this would look spectacular on a clear day.

Ah, nature. I need it.

One of these days, I will actually sit on a beach, play in the sand, have a picnic lunch, and let the water rush over my paws.

After a brief visit, the cold got to me, so we walked back to our room. And we were treated to more animals.

Including this super cute bunny!

Trees, water, animals, just nature in general. I do love being outdoors, and in the cool, and surrounded by trees and water.

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