Friday, October 16, 2020

Visiting the Pumpkin Farm

 I made my annual trip to the pumpkin farm. This year, it was to Spina Farms, as my favorite one has closed.

They have pumpkins and gourds of all sizes, available for sale. I like to pick up smaller ones to use for decorating.

The baby and I were playing in this cute haunted house. Do you see us in the windows?

These pumpkins are a grayish green. I wonder how they taste.

The white ones are good for painting.

I think these ones would be good for a soup. I don't know why.

These pumpkins were smooth and looked like they were made of wax.

Hi, Mr Ghostie.

Now we are getting into the classic colors, but some of them look very squished.

Is that Frank monster trying to eat the pumpkins? They are the red warty things.

They have a pumpkin pyramid, though less grand than the one from the other farm. Maybe they will grow it as the years go on.

These look like a combination of pumpkins plus zucchini. I would eat them, I like both of those things.

RIP = Really Interesting Pumpkins?

Run away before that tree eats you! Get out of there!

Catching the last bit of good sunshine before the short days of winter take over.

I would like something like this for my front yard.

Marigolds are pretty flowers, and they are a natural insect repellent. I think that is why they plant them near the squash, it keeps the pumpkin eaters away.

There are the red warty things again!

These pumpkins are bigger than we are!

Careful, baby, that jack looks sketchy.

This is where we picked out which pumpkins would make good soup, so we could buy them and bring them home.

I wonder how many of my teddy friends I could sit up here with.

We didn't spend a lot of time here, because many visitors were not following current health rules. It is very unfortunate when people ruin things for others. Please, dear reader, do the ethical and moral thing for your community.

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