Monday, August 12, 2019

Heading Home

We made it to LAX so we could catch our plane home. I wanted to arrive early enough to find a place with coffee that I know and like. And I did. I found a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Mr Duffy and I shared a blended mocha. It was super yummy.

 We got a window seat this time and were happy.

 There were some clouds over the ocean, but then when we were over land, we had a clear picture of... mountains. Just lots of brown.

 We got our pretzels and had our usual fun with them.

 It was a really quick flight - just around an hour.

 And then we landed and made our way to the baggage claim.

We got a ride and made it home. I love traveling, I love New York and Los Angeles, I love being out in the world and doing things. But I also love home. I'm really happy where I live, and who I live with. It really is where my heart is.

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