Whenever you are able to do something for yourself, you should do it. These are some tough times, but self-care is always important. Even if you can't spend money, there are some tricks to feeling good.
If you can sign up for a rewards plan at your favorite place, do it. You may earn points for free stuff, or even get a treat on your birthday.
If you have a favorite coffee shop, find out how you can get some free perks. Sometimes just posting on social media or "checking in" can get you points. Writing positive reviews can get you stuff, too.
I'm a teddy who loves fragrances. One of my favorite shops is Bath and Body Works. They have constant sales, but I do know that even with promotions, they can be out of reach. So when you need some time to feel grounded, if fragrance is your thing, go into the store to breathe in the scents. Spray yourself with your favorite product, and get aromatherapy for the day.
Today, I made a new friend. His name is Yossarian, who was the protagonist from Catch-22.
Have you made a new friend lately?