Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Disney on Ice

I went to see Disney on Ice. I was excited because I love ice skating, and of course you know I am a huge Disney fan.

I wasn't sure if we were allowed to take photographs. There were no signs saying we couldn't, so I took a few pics. During a break, they made an announcement, encouraging everyone to take a lot of photos, to post them on social media, and what to use for hash tags. So I was in the clear!

Mickey and Minnie were driving around in a cool car.

You can see my outline in the front, while Mickey's story played out on the ice.

There was a segment all about Cars. How did they drive on the ice?

And my most favorite part of the show was Frozen.

This made me want to put on my Elsa dress and go ice skating.

When Olaf was singing about summer, these bugs skated around.

They sold all the classic souvenirs that I heard about. Things like light up wands and cotton candy containers and snow cone cups. I bought a coloring book and a sippy cup full of smores cereal. Yummy!

This was such a fun evening and I can't wait to see it again. I think they are coming back to the area in February. I do hope to go!

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