Tuesday, August 11, 2020

A Rose is a Rose is a Rose


I decided to get out in nature for a bit. 
I wore my mask for safety. 
On such a beautiful day, I couldn’t stay home. 
These days, I have lots of time to stop and smell the roses. 
I liked how these were orange and cream, with a bit of red at the edges. 
And the yellow are very pretty. 

I should’ve brought a book. 

I liked that these roses were in a tree. 
Beautiful archway!

More wonderful yellow. 

This is a big, beautiful park. 

I could relax on the bench with a book and an iced coffee. 

Oh how I’d love to swim. 
What a pretty color!

Oh, grassy places make me feel happy. Green energizes me. 

I love this fountain. 

This was a much-needed outing from being home so much. Fresh air, warm sunshine, and lots of nature make me feel good. I like hibernating, but not all year long. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Escaping to the Coast

After sheltering in place for five months, I was ready to take a drive to see nature.

I put on my face covering and headed towards Santa Cruz.

I stopped at the coffee place that used to be Surf City. They have a different business name, but they have the same menu. I ordered the Cowabunga, my favorite blended drink from there. It has espresso and toffee.

My travel companion had a strawberry blended and he offered me a taste. It was good, but I needed my caffeine.

We arrived at Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf, and we could hear the sea lions barking. They know how to vacation.

I have been here at least a few times, but have never noticed this deck where they lounge. 

I proceeded down the wharf.

I found this otter hanging out in the shop. They were being careful and considerate by wearing a mask. I was excited to see this! Friendly chap.

I popped into Marini's Candies shop, because I always like to get their saltwater taffy. But this time I didn't get any, in favor of a cinnamon candied apple and dark chocolate covered orange peels. Hey, it is fruit!


I want to sample all of the candy!

Lollis are my favorite but I rarely buy them. I wonder why. Maybe because there are always many delicious options.

I wanted to munch on my candied apple.

But I ate the orange peels because those were more likely to melt.

It was such a treat to be at the water. I love listening to the waves and smelling the ocean air.

Across from the wharf is the Boardwalk. It was all closed down.

It was a brief trip because many visitors were not practicing current guidelines. But it was enough to spend it with my favorite people, and enjoy a sweet reprieve from being at home all the time.