I like to travel by train, even when gas prices aren't high. Caltrain is a fun way to travel. I really enjoy sitting upstairs and watch the Peninsula pass me by.

Today I wanted to do "tourist" San Francisco. Behind me is "hook and cook" which is a pirate-themed restaurant. It would be a fun place to go, but "Fish are friends. Not food."

I chose a vegetarian sandwich on sourdough bread at Boudin, a San Francisco original. You can't go wrong with sourdough!

I visited the California Welcome Center. Why would I not? The lady working in there was such a sweetheart! She asked my name and was impressed when I told her "Califia, named for California." She gave me a Pier 39 totebag, maps, and some coupons and other fun things. She told me to have a great day, she complimented my flair and said that I was really cute. She is exactly the kind of person I want to represent California to out-of-state travelers.

After the 1989 earthquake, sea lions moved to Pier 39 for comfort. They have been there ever since and remain all year long.

Alcatraz, also known as "The Rock." Every time I see it, I always think of Phil Hartman in So I Married an Axe Murderer. That is a fantastic San Francisco comedy.

A friendly greeter I met in front of a souvenir ship.

After I saw everything at Pier 39 I walked to Fisherman's Wharf. There is a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory there. Of course I stopped in to pick up some treats. Bet you can't guess what I bought...

A caramel apple, of course! This one had a variety of nuts, so good!

I stopped in the Rainforest Cafe. Not for lunch, just to shop around and look at the scenery.

The famous Fisherman's Wharf sign.

After I was finished at Fisherman's Wharf I strolled to The Cannery. They have a fun pirate store filled with everything pirate. Anything you want with skull and crossbones, anything with the Jolly Roger, it's all there. This is one of the greeters outside the store.

After that quick trip through the Cannery it was time to take a stroll up to Ghirardelli Square. I stopped in the soda fountain and bought a dark caramel Quake Shake. Let me say it was so delicious. It's almost as good as a Malibu Mocha. Almost.

I sipped my shake as I walked to North Beach where I had to catch the bus back to the Caltrain station. That was a lot of walking, but not un-bear-able. I sat on the train looking at all the postcards I collected during my stroll through San Francisco. It was a sunny day but very windy and cold. I don't know when I will next get to the city again, but there will be a "San Francisco Part 3" in the near future.
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