Today's travels took me to San Juan Bautista to visit the Mission and the State Historical Park.

This is the Plaza Hotel, built in 1856. It is now part of SJB SHP.

Mission San Juan Bautista, the 15th mission founded on June 24, 1797. It is named for John the Baptist.

The exterior of the living quarters.

A view of the Plaza Hotel from the mission.

Statues of religious figures decorate the landscape.

Some artifacts survived some major earthquakes over the centuries.

A view of the church.
State Historical Park

Three museums make up the San Juan Bautista State Historical Park. One shows the various types of transportation used the the times of the missions and the gold rush. Most were wagons pulled by horses.

A beer wagon.

Studebaker wagon.

The outdoor stables. Blacksmiths worked outside.

A rickety bench that very well may be an original!

The wash room.

There are quiet places for meditating or just relaxing.

A peek in the living areas.

There is a lot of landscaping in the park and at the mission.

A model of the mission created by a local school.

This is a formal dining area in the hotell.

An old-fashioned saddle is on display.
That is one mission down, twenty to go. One State Historical Park down, fifty to go.
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