Saturday, June 1, 2019

National Candy Month

In June we celebrate National Candy Month! Lucky for me, I had these ...sweet... pajamas for the occasion.

 I put together a tray of some of my favorites to celebrate.

 Swedish Fish are a regular at my events. They are not made with gelatin so they are safe for my vegetarian friends.

 I had some Milk Duds, peach candies, and gummy cherries. Good stuff.

 No candy tray is complete if it doesn't have M&Ms. There are also Hot Tamales and Smarties.  And gummy bears!

 Is this enough candy to satisfy my sweet tooth?

 I think I will start with the Hot Tamales. I do like cinnamon.

 I dream about candy.

I finished off my candy tray with Skittles and licorice. And now, I will have friends over to share this with.

You can celebrate candy all month long with friends and family. What are some of your favorites? Tell me in the comments. And have a sweet day!

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