Thursday, May 1, 2008


May is National Get Caught Reading Month. Every month should be devoted to reading.

Some of my favorite books about bears: Teddy Bears, Teddy Bears by William Winburn
Alphabears by Kathleen Hague
Big Smelly Bear by Britta Teckentrup
Bears! by Paul Stickland
Everybody Has a Teddy by Virginia Kroll

Books about bears are a lot of fun, but my most favorite books are the Harry Potter ones. There aren't any bear characters, but there is a character named Teddy!

1 comment:

Amélie said...

Hello Califia,

thanks a lot for your guestbook entry! And the idea about going to Disneyland together is great! I have at the moment a few invitations, but in summer I can come over to you to California! :)

Travelteddy :)