This is a weekend for firsts. Today I took my first ride in the Nemo Submarine Voyage. It's cute, but I hear it's nothing like the classic ride. It's still neat to go on an underwater ride.

I was hoping to see more sea creatures but I guess they were being shy today.

One of my favorite things about going to Disneyland in December is seeing it's a small world all decorated for Christmas. The Peace on Earth segment brings tears to my eyes.

Other than the Christmas, it's a small world has a new look. You'll have to see yourself.

"Holy peppermint, Batman!" Have you ever seen a candy cane so giant? That would ease my sore throat for sure.

I love the bold, bright colors of the ornaments on the ToonTown tree.

I found this chair in a store in Frontierland. It is the perfect size for me! Unfortunately, it's a prop and not for sale.

If I weren't in Disneyland, why would I be wearin' this hat?

One thing that surprised me was that Sleeping Beauty's Castle was open for guests to walk through. My goodnes!!! I was so excited, it was such fun to read Sleeping Beauty's story and look at the dioramas. How exciting to be inside her castle!

You really can have a happily ever after in Disneyland.

I found this suit of armor in the Heraldry Shoppe. Aragorn was not in it to my disappointment.

"The time! The time! Who's got the time?"

I got to ride in a new Monorail car. The seats have changed. I don't know what else is different, maybe the cars aren't as shaky.

I'm riding the Monorail to the Disneyland Hotel.