Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Pumpkin Patch

 In San Jose, there is a place called Spina Farms. They are open year-round to sell produce, but, in the fall,  they become a fabulous pumpkin patch.
 They have big pumpkins.

 Orange and white pumpkins.

 They have stacks of hay bundles that you can climb.

 This was a wacky scarecrow, but I wasn't afraid. It was kind of funny.

 Not a bear-sized chair.

 There are a lot of these great wooden cutouts scattered around the farm.

 Some people like to paint the white pumpkins.

 I wonder how they taste, or how they look inside.

 I want one of these cutouts so I can decorate my house for Halloween.

 This one was an odd shape and color. I'm sure it was a kind of squash or gourd.

 Is that a bell pepper?

 There is a scarecrow driving that tractor.

 This was a cute one. A smiling witch pumpkin.

 These look like they crossed a white pumpki

 These were some very big zucchini. I could have ratatouille for days!

 I like how these ones were painted.

 This guy doesn't look happy.

 They have pumpkins that just go on and on.

 A sunflower! I love sunflowers, they are my favorite flower because they make me happy. I also love poinsettias, but that's a Christmas flower.

 I need to actually pick out a pumpkin.

 Too tall.

 Ooh, I like this one. I can sit atop it!

 This is where I would find a good pumpkin to buy.

 I picked this small white one.

 I don't think I can lift that one.

 Funny names. Ha.

I wanted a traditional orange pumpkin, so I also got this one. It was perfect bear sized, and it was easy for me to carry.

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