Monday, October 10, 2016

A Garden of Roses

 I got an early start this morning so I went to Starbucks for some coffee.

 I wanted to stop and smell the roses. Literally. So I went to the

The grass is so lush, I would love to go ... bear ... foot on it.

I like the deep pink of this rose.

Here is an aisle of white roses. Don't get caught painting them red!

This mixture of pink and white in the same rose is beautiful.

The peach roses are lovely.

I wore a purple rose on my ear.

There is a sun dial in the garden.

Smelling the roses.

The texture of this flower looks smooth, and the color is wonderful.

I love the clusters of rose bushes here. There are so many!

I found a flying squirrel!

Nature makes me feel so happy.

I could spend hours strolling up and down the aisles of flowers.

I love this pink.

They have this beautiful fountain as the centerpiece of the rose garden. Water makes me feel calm and peaceful. I really want a water feature of my own.

I really wanted to jump on and go for a swim.

The weather warmed up so I took off my jacket. And then I really wanted to swim!

I like yellow roses.

There is so much to see here!

It looks like I have a bouquet of roses growing out of my head!

After all of that walking around the garden, I was ready for lunch.

I went to Black Bear Diner.

I like how everything here is about bears.

My lunch, which was actually breakfast food!

I do enjoy visiting the bear statues at the different diner locations.

After lunch, I was driving home and saw this donut shop on the way. So I stopped in to pick up a treat or two.

They have vegan donuts, among those made with dairy products and eggs.

This coffee one looked tempting, so I tried it.

I picked a variety to bring home and share with my friends. I am actually not really a donut eater. I may eat up to about two or three a year.

This was a full day, and it was enjoyable. You should take some time to stop and smell the roses where you live.

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